Monday, November 3, 2008

2,194 SYW figures later...

That's how many figures I have now completed the basing/rebasing for this game! Yikes. Just some flags and movement trays are left.

Quick question for the mess:

Does anyone care if their cavalry is combined with other players to make viable brigades?

Or do you want to command all of your own toys?



Anonymous said...

As long as our banners are flown with our squadrons, honour will be preserved.

Bluebear Jeff said...

I wish that I could be there . . . but I'm far too far away (not even in the same country) . . . but I hope that you have a delightful and exciting game full of good fellowship and fun.

-- Jeff

ColCampbell50 said...

Since I will be bringing only two squadrons each of Carpanian (Elector) and Courland (Imperial) heavy dragoons, it appears to make sense to combine them with other cavalry to form useable brigades. Please feel free to do so as, from my readings of Savory, it was very common in His Britannic Majesty's Army in Germany to have brigades made up of regiments from more than one country.

We can talk more next Friday on the best uses of my Carpanian (jagers) and Courland (pandurs & cossacks) light troops, which will probably depend on the scenario and terrain.


ColCampbell50 said...

Since I will be bringing only two squadrons each of Carpanian (Elector) and Courland (Imperial) heavy dragoons, it appears to make sense to combine them with other cavalry to form useable brigades. Please feel free to do so as, from my readings of Savory, it was very common in His Britannic Majesty's Army in Germany to have brigades made up of regiments from more than one country.

We can talk more next Friday on the best uses of my Carpanian (jagers) and Courland (pandurs & cossacks) light troops, which will probably depend on the scenario and terrain.
