Tuesday, March 18, 2008

7 and 1/2 Months and Counting...

Well, yes, it has been a long time since we've published an update. For that we should probably be flogged severely with some form of pasta by a pair of lovely tavern wenches! However, we are somewhat in a "holding pattern" at the moment as we await the official results of Lone Star Historical Miniatures signing the actual contract with the hosting hotel for MilleniumCon XI.

The tentative dates, based on the last information available, are November 14, 15 and 16, 2008, and the host site should still be the same, just north of Austin, Texas. As soon as either Ed or myself know anything "final" we will update this Blog post-haste.

We can share some information with you. For those not already aware of it, Ed hosted a "trial run" B.A.R. event at ChimaeraCon in San Antonio this past weekend that appears to have been a great success. There are excellent write-ups on the game on Ed's Blog (Hesse-Fedora) and a "plug" from Der Alte Fritz (aka Jim Purky) on his Blog. And speaking of that esteemed Gentleman from the midwest, we have been advised that both he and his "partner in crime" Mssr. Chevert (aka Bill Protz) WILL be in attendance for what will now be the second Big Battalion Game in Texas at MilleniumCon XI. In addition to these two esteemed Gentlemen, we have tentative committments from traveler's from California, Mississippi and Arkansas, who will all be venturing forth to join our own Texas crew for this event.

We are making plans to host a "pre-game" event on Friday night where we will have at least a small scenario laid-out and Mssrs. Protz and Purky available to field questions and demonstrate certain mechanics of the rules to any and all interested parties. We will also have packets available describing the scenario and Orders of Battle (such as we are aware of) for Saturday's Main Event. I am also quite confident that, after exploring the mysteries of "Batailles de l' Ancien Regime" for a time, we will be able to adjourn to a convenient location for some liquid courage and "munchies" to prepare us all the more for Saturday. In all, it promises to be a most entertaining weekend in the southern part of Texas.

Sir William of M'Uedail
Bill McHenry