Chris has asked a question about bringing a building that he scratch built, and others have asked about terrain as well. We are still "ironing" out details of the scenario, but I can tell you that it will include some type of walled farm (similar to La Haye Saint) and at least one village or built-up area. It may also include a river feature running the length of the table that will require both fordable areas and constructed wood and stone bridges as well as a couple of small copses of trees or lightly forested areas. There may also be one small reinforced earthwork for an artillery position that would require gabions and some "hasty" earthworks to cover 4 to 6 guns. I will probably plan on making this feature, but if one of you already have one you would like to volunteer, all offers will be considered and greatly appreciated. Ed will be providing his always excellent painted terrain cloths (see last year's Napoleonic game write-up on Ed's blog) and I will be providing some of the other terrain features as well. At the beginning of this post are some great pic's of a very nice walled farm that Chris built that I suspect will feature very prominently at some point in the game. You can just imagine the skirmisher's moving about through it!
If any of you have any items that you feel would work for what I described above and it wouldn't be an inconvenience for you to travel with them, they are certainly welcome. If you're not sure about the appearance, or just want us to preview them, feel free to send pic's to Ed or myself using our e-mail links from the Blog. Or, just attach and send them to wpmchenry@charter.net and/or ed_youngstrom@yahoo.com
Sir William
Sir William